Matching Logic

Matching logic for Market Orders DTN Exchange® applies matching logic on market orders and bids. DTN Exchange rules for market orders are similar to those accepted for stock market trading. That is, your order is matched at the most current price recorded at the time the order is confirmed. This may be higher or lower than

Purchasing products from DTN Exchange

Ways to purchase fuel There are three types of fuel purchases you can make on DTN Exchange: Prompt Offers represent offers from partner sellers on currently available products at the currently published real-time price. Forward Offers represent offers from partner sellers on products that will be available on specified months, for specified quantities, and for a specified

How DTN Exchange works

DTN Exchange is a private marketplace where sellers and buyers can come together to make trades that benefit both parties. DTN Exchange is administered by DTN. We authorize accounts for new buyers and sellers, and provide training and support. If questions and issues arise, we help resolve them. Sellers use DTN Exchange to make offers