The DTN Exchange is compatible with Internet Explorer (IE) 5.5 or higher.

As the DTN Exchange is updated, the new functionality works with most common web browsers, including Chrome and Internet Explorer. These pages include:

  • Buyer > Offers/Orders > Prompt Offers

We recommend that you use the most current version of the browsers. With the most current version, our web pages display quickly and you have the latest security updates.

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 or later

  • Chrome latest 2 versions

If you use an older or unsupported browser, some features might not work, or an application might not open.

If you are using the latest release of your browser, please be aware that there may be a delay in our support of the new browser release while we conduct a review to ensure it meets our internal security standards.

Please note as we update the DTN Exchange to a more modern code base for faster processing and increased browser compatibility, some shades of background colors or fonts may have changed slightly.



Category: Non-Windows OS