Question: Is Windows required to run IQFeed?
Answer: IQFeed is a native Windows application. If you want to use IQFeed on an operating system other than Windows, you must have an emulator, dual boot setup, or some other means of running a native Windows application within your operating system.
If you don’t currently have a way to run Windows applications in your non-Windows operating systems, DTN recommends the third-party program CrossOver, and offers a rebate for it’s purchase.
Contact [email protected] for full details.
A 14-day free trial version can be downloaded by clicking here. Be sure to download the correct version for your operating system.
*NOTE: The current version of CrossOver does not support the Big Sur beta operating system. If you upgrade to Big Sure, you will not be able to use the CrossOver solution.
To Install CrossOver
- Launch CrossOver
- Click Install A Windows Application
- When asked to Select an Application to Install: type DTN
- Select DTN IQFeed
- Click Continue
- Review the screen below and make sure it says CrossOver will install in a new Windows 10 64-bit bottle
- Click Install
- The Windows install process fro DTN IQFeed will begin
- Follow the on-screen instructions
Launching DTN IQFeed under CrossOver
To launch DTN IQFeed under CrossOver, you must follow these steps, in the following order
- Within CrossOver, select the DTN IQFeed bottle under Bottles
- You may need to click on the three bottles icon at the top of the left to make the left pane visible
- Double Click Run Command
- In the Command line, type iqconnect
- Click Run
- The IQ Connect login box will come up, but the Connect button will be grayed out
- Open one of the IQFeed applications to make the Connect button active
- Examples: Charts, Market Depth, Market Scan, News, etc.
- Enter your login and password
- Click on Connect
- If you use a 3rd party software, you may now login
Click Here to see the Legacy IQFeed MAC Installation Instructions